The Strety team is excited to announce our official partnership with Pinnacle Business Guides! We are creating the most flexible platform to run Pinnacle. In Strety, you can create Flywheels, customize your Tools, and power your business through enhanced Scoreboards and company overviews.
\n","post_body":"The Strety team is excited to announce our official partnership with Pinnacle Business Guides! We are creating the most flexible platform to run Pinnacle. In Strety, you can create Flywheels, customize your Tools, and power your business through enhanced Scoreboards and company overviews.
\nWe love the flexibility and elevated experience Pinnacle Business Guides provide to their clients. We’re building Strety with a similar philosophy. Our users guide our roadmap, and we create tools that work for them and serve their everyday needs, as well as delighting them with unexpected wins along the way.
\nPinnacle Business Guides help their clients in much the same way — providing structure that is uniquely tailored to a clients’ business, instead of a ‘set it and forget it’ model (that really does get forgotten when it becomes irrelevant). Pinnacle Business Guides have proven again and again that their hands-on, responsive strategy is key to nurturing growth that evolves with the business.
\nWe all know the truism: what got us here won’t necessarily get us there. Strety is a flexible platform to help Pinnacle Business Guides take evolving businesses to new heights.
\nOur Pinnacle version is now live, and we are working with Pinnacle leadership to continually add all of the latest and greatest Pinnacle Tools. The Strety team is passionate about making a Pinnacle-supporting platform that will make it easy for business owners and Guides to get the most out of Pinnacle’s approach and Tools, for better business growth.
\nWhile our partnership has just kicked off, we’re excited for all the fun to come. Strety will be at all of the Pinnacle Summits from here on out. We can’t wait to meet more Pinnacle Business Guides and business owners that inspire our product.
\nWe’re thrilled to be partnering with an organization made of people who value integrity and constant improvement, just like us. Talk to a Pinnacle Business Guide if you want to give Strety a whirl!
\n","rss_summary":"The Strety team is excited to announce our official partnership with Pinnacle Business Guides! We are creating the most flexible platform to run Pinnacle. In Strety, you can create Flywheels, customize your Tools, and power your business through enhanced Scoreboards and company overviews.
\n","rss_body":"The Strety team is excited to announce our official partnership with Pinnacle Business Guides! We are creating the most flexible platform to run Pinnacle. In Strety, you can create Flywheels, customize your Tools, and power your business through enhanced Scoreboards and company overviews.
\nWe love the flexibility and elevated experience Pinnacle Business Guides provide to their clients. We’re building Strety with a similar philosophy. Our users guide our roadmap, and we create tools that work for them and serve their everyday needs, as well as delighting them with unexpected wins along the way.
\nPinnacle Business Guides help their clients in much the same way — providing structure that is uniquely tailored to a clients’ business, instead of a ‘set it and forget it’ model (that really does get forgotten when it becomes irrelevant). Pinnacle Business Guides have proven again and again that their hands-on, responsive strategy is key to nurturing growth that evolves with the business.
\nWe all know the truism: what got us here won’t necessarily get us there. Strety is a flexible platform to help Pinnacle Business Guides take evolving businesses to new heights.
\nOur Pinnacle version is now live, and we are working with Pinnacle leadership to continually add all of the latest and greatest Pinnacle Tools. The Strety team is passionate about making a Pinnacle-supporting platform that will make it easy for business owners and Guides to get the most out of Pinnacle’s approach and Tools, for better business growth.
\nWhile our partnership has just kicked off, we’re excited for all the fun to come. Strety will be at all of the Pinnacle Summits from here on out. We can’t wait to meet more Pinnacle Business Guides and business owners that inspire our product.
\nWe’re thrilled to be partnering with an organization made of people who value integrity and constant improvement, just like us. Talk to a Pinnacle Business Guide if you want to give Strety a whirl!
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